May 10, 2021
I saw a little girl in an Albany magazine 10 years ago named Chapel. I always knew that would be my little girls name if I had one. Being a mom wasn’t ever anything I was in a hurry to be, but once I was, the Lord knew he better give me one quick…everything, all the way down to the day I had her…was quick. She was definitely meant to be here, and now I want to spend every waking minute of every day with her. If you know her, you know that’s not always pleasant. She’s a mama’s girl, although she’s starting to like dada more and more these days. It’s so strange to look at another human being and think “I would jump in front of a train/take a bullet/sacrifice myself in any way for you.”……only to have her pull back like she wants to sock me in the face. She does have her incredibly sweet moments, but toddlers are tough. Kids are tough, no matter what season they’re in. Only regret I have is not doing it sooner…children are what life is all about. The money you have, the house you live in, whether or not the grass needs cutting…none of it matters when you’re gone…the people you leave behind that remember you and what you did for/with them is all that matters. Taking pictures and making other people happy brings me joy, but nothing makes me happier than Chapel Kate. Kim Russell took these pictures and got my child to SMILE! Miracle in itself.